What's New in Bottlenose 2.4

William Carr
by William Carr
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Merchant Admin Portal

Color-Coded Order Statuses

In addition to Pending orders being colored yellow, Cancelled orders now show in red and Ready orders show in blue.

Ready for Delivery status

Orders can now be set to "Ready for Delivery". This status sends an email to your customer asking them to schedule delivery.

Subscription Pop-Up

You can now enable a pop-up window to new visitors to your site, prompting them to sign up for your Email Marketing campaigns. You can also attach a key-based promotion to this pop-up, which will email your customer a link to activate the promotion after signing up.

Configure Shipping Insurance

You can now configure your website to use insure packages and include that charge in the rates provided to customers. Previously, this setting was always on.

Create a Customer

You can now create a Customer in your Admin Area.

Highlight Uncategorized Products

Our Admin Area will now show a warning if you're working with an uncategorized Product, reminding you to categorize it in order to list it for sale.

Consumer Website

Re-Usable Payments

Consumers can now re-use credit cards during checkout. They will no longer have to enter their card number and expiration date, just their CID code. Cards remain reusable for up to ten months. This method is fully PCI compliant and no sensitive card data is stored in Bottlenose.

Welcome Message Asset

Basic and eCommerce merchants can now create a Welcome Message to show consumers, which will display beneath the slideshow on the home page. Look for it under Admin > Content > Assets.

Return Policy Asset

We have created a separate Asset for your Return Policy, which is also editable under Admin > Content > Assets.

Notes for Pickup Orders

Consumers can now add notes or special instructions to Pick Up orders during checkout.

Key Based Promotions

Consumers not receive a pop-up notification when they visit the URL of a key-based promotion. This notification shows the name and the description of the promotion they have activated.

Pick Up at Store button in Cart

Following best practices for eCommerce, consumers can now click "Pick Up at Store" right in the Shopping Cart, which highlights this option before checkout.

Optimized Checkout

We have optimized the checkout experience to occupy less space and be more responsive to the consumer.

Mini Calendar

Basic and eCommerce merchants now have a mini-calendar on the front page, which shows the next 3 upcoming events in your Calendar.

System Health and Status


Bottlenose has created a status dashboard you can use to monitor the health of the Bottlenose platform at https://status.bottlenose.wine. You can visit this site if you are concerned about a potential outage. Bottlenose will update this page with any incident reports or issues that may be affecting the availability and performance of our platform. You can also subscribe to receive alerts and updates as they happen.

503 Error Page

We have created a friendly page to users when they encounter a 503 error, as opposed to a blank page.

Other Changes

Product Deposits

Bottlenose can now included required deposits on Products. Deposits will be shown as a separate amount on Product detail pages and during checkout.

Site Load Time

Site load time has been improved by deferring JavaScript and optimizing images for a smaller file size. 


  • Promotion key URLs are no longer case-sensitive.
  • The store name is now included in the To: field of transactional emails.
  • Product availability is now correctly indicated in the Google Shopping feed.
  • Search facets containing a '/' character now function correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in Admin Product Management breakdowns.
  • Fixed a bug preventing accurate order reporting in Google Analytics.
  • Fixed a bug where slides would not be removed from Admin > Slideshow screen after deleting.
  • Upcoming Events are now correctly re-cached upon edit.
  • Order timestamps are now localized to the store's timezone.
  • Review icons now display correctly in Email Campaigns
  • The map now displays correctly on directions page for stores with more than one address line.
  • Product Group checkboxes now display correctly on the Admin Pro

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