How To Use Your Website

Howard Morrison (Unlicensed)
by Howard Morrison (Unlicensed)
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Who is your most valuable Assistant?  Your website is, bar none.  It is capable of answering multiple questions from thousands of customers in less than a minute.    It can complete an order - shop, find, place in cart, checkout, in a fraction of the time it takes in-store.  It is your hub for in-store information and social media communication.  Your website works tirelessly 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.  It can build your brand, give customers confidence, and lead you to long term growth.

How to Use Your Website: It is up to you to recognize your website's potential and adopt strategies that progress potential to realization.  A highly recommended strategy is to start by replicating your in-store programs, products, services, and expertise on your website.  Once completed, move on to social media, enabling you and your followers to share experiences, knowledge and special offers.

If you are just getting started with your website, begin with the Basics.  Address the most common questions and requests first.  Examples include:  

  • provide Contact Us information - hours, directions, address, phone, email
  • build trust and loyalty with your About Us page
  • have all of your products available for sale, offering Pick up at Store, Local Delivery, and carrier where applicable.  Many in-store purchases are made because the customer was able to confirm a product's availability online.
  • publish your Events & Tastings
  • encourage and enable customer sign ups to your Newsletter or Promotions.

Once the Basics have been installed on your websites, move on to the 'Deal Makers'.  Examples include:

  • call out points of differentiation such as tasting machines, a wine bar, local wines or beers stocked.
  • create and highlight product groups you know your customer likes, such as ON SALE THIS WEEK, BEST SELLING CABERNETS, WHILE SUPPLY LASTS, KEGS GALORE, WINES FOR DINNER PARTIES.
  • display your expertise, emphasizing areas that customers can be confident their needs will be met.
  • offer deals and promotions, with some that can only be found on the website

The idea is to use your website as a knowledge center, a place where your customers, staff, and you can get the answers to questions posed each day.  Do you stock Italian cabernets from the Tuscany region that are rated 90 or higher?  What time does your Friday night tasting start?  The website is a great place to showcase what makes you special and enable customers to discover your unique style. 

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